Women & Money at Gaining Ground

On the occasion of Women’s Day, we wondered, how do the women at Gaining Ground feel about money? Here’s what we discovered. Kshitija Shete – Co-founder, Gaining Ground ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees. ‘Money has to be in circulation for it to grow more.” As an only daughter of a businessman, I grew up with […]

The Case for the Power of SIP

‘Whatever is easy is difficult to do.’ Investing money regularly is one such ‘easy’ thing that’s difficult to do. But if done diligently, it makes creating wealth easy. And the case of Mr S, outlined below, is proof of that. One day, our office had an unexpected visitor. Let’s call him Mr S. He told […]

How to do Long Term

“Nothing will ever separate us. We will probably be married another ten years.” –Elizabeth Taylor, five days before filing for divorce Long-term thinking is easier to believe in than accomplish. Most people know it’s the right strategy in investing, careers, relationships – anything that compounds. But saying “I’m in it for the long run” is […]